Learn the 5 Most Useful Knots

Learn the 5 Most Useful Knots

My profession (and life) depends on having an in-depth understanding of ropes, understanding knots, and tying them properly! These are 5 of the most useful knots (and probably the only knots) most people need to know how to tie and their uses.

It is a must to watch the video in its entirety. Afterwards, if you are looking to practice a specific knot, I’ve provided a timestamp for each listed underneath the video.

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Practicing these knots over and over is imperative. Building muscle memory is the key! Below are the timestamps for each of the 5 knots. Go to these timestamps only once you have watched the video in its entirety.

0:29 – The Bowline

3:00 – The Running Bowline

4:00 – The Dutchman

6:27 – 1st Half Hitch / 7:13 – 2nd Half Hitch

10:05 – Clove Hitch / 10:43 – Quick Clove Hitch

12:16 – Two Half Hitches