These videos are designed to start teaching some of the basic skills needed to be a Tree Surgeon. I strongly recommend working with an experienced teacher as you try to learn these skills. Tree work is one of the most dangerous things you can do. The dangers are many and often hidden. Note, these videos do not highlight every risk involved. Again, work with an experienced teacher and never alone. Please watch this video before proceeding. IT MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE!
These first 10 videos show basic skills to get started. Take lots of time to learn these skills and analyze your mistakes as you go. There are no freak accidents. Accidents or mistakes that are not analyzed and corrected will most likely reoccur and that will lead to a short career as a Tree Surgeon. Get very comfortable with these skills before moving on.
Videos 1 through 17 were filmed during the removal of one small but very technical tree leaning over a garage and surrounded by wires.


Ropes, Knots, and Climbing: Old & New

Making a Box Cut to Cut Down a Tree

Steering a Tree Fall Using a Back Cut

How to Set Up Your Climbing Rope and Buckle

How to Tie a Monkey Fist Knot for Rope Throwing

Taut-Line Hitch Instruction for Tree Climbing Use

Practicing the Taut Line Hitch (or Climbing Knot)

Hip Thrust Ascent Technique for Tree Climbing

Tying the Taut Line Hitch Safety for Tree Climbing

Beginning Your Tree Profession (Start Small) #1

How to do a Tree Inspection #2

Throw Ball Slingshot Technique for Tree Climbing #3

How to Set the Throw Ball Line on a Tree #4

How to Reposition a Throw Ball Line #5

Tying a Throw Line to the Climbing Rope #6